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- File:Map Canada political-geo.png
- File:Map of cumulative COVID-19 death rates by US state.png
- File:Map of states that have legalized marijuana.jpg
- File:Map of US minimum wage by state. Republican states.png
- File:Map of US minimum wage by state.png
- File:Map of US minimum wage by state.svg
- File:Map of US state cannabis laws.png
- File:Map of US state cannabis laws.svg
- File:Map of USA with state names.png
- File:Map.png
- File:Marijuana and 2016 US election.jpg
- File:Maternal mortality rates per 100,000 births by state. US map.png
- File:Maternal mortality rates per 100,000 births by state. US map.svg
- File:Medicaid expansion by state. US map.png
- File:Medicaid expansion map of US. Affordable Care Act.png
- File:Medicaid expansion map of US. Affordable Care Act.svg
- File:Mexico Drug War casualties map.jpg
- File:Percent of adults 65+ who have had all teeth extracted. US map.png
- File:Percent of adults 65+ who have had all teeth extracted. US map.svg
- File:Population density map of the world.png
- File:Population density map of the world.svg
- File:Poverty rates by state. US map.png
- File:Poverty rates by state. US map.svg
- File:Prisoner population rate world map.svg
- File:UN cannabis vote by country on December 2, 2020.jpg
- File:Universal health care.svg
- File:US 2020 gun death rate map by state.jpg
- File:US map 2. Early voting states are green and blue.jpg
- File:US map legend. Drug overdose deaths per 100,000 population.gif
- File:US map of drug overdose deaths per 100,000 population by state.gif
- File:US map of drug overdose deaths per 100,000 population by state.png
- File:US map of felony disfranchisement laws by state.png
- File:US map of incarceration rates per 100,000 residents.png
- File:US map of incarceration rates per 100,000 residents.svg
- File:US map. Counties in persistent poverty.png
- File:US map. One Fair Wage. Ending subminimum wages for tipped workers.jpg
- File:US map. Percent of the total population who are up to date with COVID-19 vaccines.png
- File:US map. Percent of total population of all ages by state or territory who completed the COVID-19 vaccination primary series.png
- File:US map. Percentage of state legislature that is female. By state.png
- File:US map. Percentage of state legislature that is female. By state.svg
- File:US map. State regulated cannabis programs. With legend.png
- File:US map. State regulated cannabis programs.png
- File:US minimum wage comparison by state.svg
- File:US minimum wage map.png
- File:USA. Percent of adults with overdue debt in collections. By county.png