
Breeder: Green House Seed Company
Type: Indica dominant hybrid
Genetics: Super Skunk x Brazilian x South Indian
Flowering (indoors): 9 weeks, with a yield up to 800 grams / m2.
Flowering (outside): Finishes first week of October with a production up to 1000 grams per plant.
THC: 14.94%
CBD: 0.18%
CBN: 0.25%

This is a short, branch-y and bushy plant. It has a very strong body effect, stoned and long-lasting.

Medicinally effective in pain therapy.

Very good for SoG and SCRoG.


  • 2005 - First place winner of the Hydro Cup; HighLife Cup.
  • 1997 - Second place winner of the overall Cannabis Cup; High Times Cannabis Cup.
  • 1997 - Second place winner of the Bio Cup; High Times Cannabis Cup.

See Also[]

