
Breeder: Sensi Seed Bank
Type: Sativa dominant hybrid
Genetics: unknown Indica x Haze
Flowering: 65-75 days
Height: 150-180 cm.
Yield: up to 100 grams

Although the cerebral high of the Sativa is preferred by many, indoor growers aren't too fond of this type: Sativas get very tall, take a long time to finish off and produce skimpy yields. We have spent years searching for a superb Indica/Sativa hybrid suited for indoor growing. By crossing the Haze, the most powerful Sativa in the World, to a non-dominant Indica we managed to get the height and flowering time of the plant down to an acceptable level and still retain the unique Sativa qualities of the high. The results: the Silver Haze cannabis seeds, winner of the '89 High Times Harvest Festival. Don't expect top yields but top quality that will excite the true connoisseur.

This bud is so crystally that it looks silver, as its name portends, but underneath the crystal layering are actually dark-green buds with flame-orange hairs in clusters all around the bud. These buds are fairly difficult to break up due to their density and leave a tacky (but tasty) film on your fingers. The stems taste like flower nectar. The smoke is sweet and pleasant and tastes mild but a bit piney. The high hits you right away with a stony, vegetative high that could leave you wandering around wondering which way your hotel is.


2005 - Third place winner of the overall Cannabis Cup in High Times Cannabis Cup competition.

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