See also: USA. The sorry state of the nation. Page 2. 3.
Share links: USAtoday - state - kleptocracy. This article was written by Timeshifter. See: Beyond drug war, debt, and wealth concentration. To single-payer healthcare and progressive taxation. And: US is Broke, not Woke. Healthcare spending and debt ceiling.
The filibuster and presidential veto should be short delays before 50% +1 votes. End veto power! See the filibuster section below: #Republican filibuster equals
26 Sep 2021: Do Americans Know What a Massive Ripoff American Life Really Is?
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Portugal's drug decrim equals
50 drug overdose deaths yearly
Vs 100,000+ yearly US deaths
There were around 94,100 US drug overdose deaths in the 12-month period ending July 31, 2024, at a rate of 257 deaths per day. 280 deaths per million US population. Only around 10 to 72 total deaths per year in Portugal, a country with universal healthcare, and where all drugs have been decriminalized since 2001. See: Youtube: Portugal’s Drug Laws: Decriminalisation in action. May 16, 2018 video from Australia's Special Broadcasting Service. No one has been arrested in Portugal for simple possession (under the limits) since 2001.

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Republican filibuster equals
- The evil history of the US Senate filibuster, or why the US no longer has simple majority rule. [2]. See Wikipedia: Filibuster. And Filibuster in the United States Senate. And Mandatory retirement.
The forever drug war
History of US Republican war on cannabis.
Republican gerrymandering and filibustering will allow the cannabis war to go on forever. At least in US Republican states. The US Congress could legalize or deschedule adult-use cannabis at the federal level if the Republican filibuster was gone. So do not vote for US Senate candidates of either party that support the filibuster. [3]. USA. The state of the nation.
See Wikipedia: Gerrymandering.
Nixon's racist drug war
Republican President Richard Nixon (in office January 20, 1969 – August 9, 1974) initiated the militant racist tone of the forever drug war.
The Republican Party has used its Drug War as a 50+ year distraction. All to serve the rich. See: Republican President Nixon's drug war against blacks and hippies. See Wikipedia: War on drugs. See Race, ethnicity, and drug war. See Wikipedia: Southern Strategy - Keeping poor whites and blacks fighting against each other, instead of the real enemy: rich Republican tax evaders. See Wikipedia: Nixon's Enemies List, of journalists, actors, union leaders, etc. who expose it all. A GOP playbook that has never ended, and played out yet again by billionaire Trump until he was dumped in 2020. |
This quote from Nixon aide John Ehrlichman (in 1994) is from an April 2016 Dan Baum article in Harper's Magazine: Legalize It All. How to win the war on drugs. Quote: "The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did."
See: CNN info. See article: Nixon's drug war against black people and hippies.
US voter suppression
Return to top. See: Wikipedia: Republican states.
20 Oct 2021: Senate Republicans use filibuster to again block sweeping voting rights bill.
Republicans have disenfranchised black, brown, and poor white people via "The New Jim Crow"; the drug war and mass incarceration. See: Holy War on Drugs, Conservative-led global incarceration.
High US taxes on poor
The forever war on the poor. Republican filibuster says to Americans: "Heads we win, tails you lose." Democracy? What democracy?
When Democrats have the majority, the Republican minority uses the filibuster to block higher taxes on the rich, and to block lower taxes on the middle class and poor. When Republicans have the majority they use budget reconciliation to use their simple majority to lower taxes on the rich, and increase user fees, sales taxes, and other regressive taxation to increase taxes on the poor and middle class.
This is the whole purpose of the US Republican Party. To serve the rich. Period.
Minimum wage workers crushed while serving the Republican low-tax-paying rich:
And on US middle class
Trump signed tax law that gave 83% of benefits to the top 1%.
Chart below. 2017 Republican tax and individual mandate repeal bill. Yellow is for an average increase in cost for people in those groups. Higher costs hitting more people each year. Up to incomes of $75,000.
Republican tax bill hurts the poor more than originally thought, Congressional Budget Office finds. | "By 2019, Americans earning less than $30,000 a year would be worse off under the Senate bill, CBO found. By 2021, Americans earning $40,000 or less would be net losers, and by 2027, most people earning less than $75,000 a year would be worse off. On the flip side, millionaires and those earning $100,000 to $500,000 would be big beneficiaries". |
2 polls: Only 29% of Americans approve of Republican tax plan. 2. |
High wealth inequality
See Wikipedia: List of countries by wealth per adult. The average median wealth per adult for Canada ($151,248) is much higher than that of the USA ($93,271). [4]. Median wealth is exactly in the middle. 50% of adults have more, and 50% have less. Wealth is all assets (money, stocks, property, etc.) minus all debts.
Most US adults are poorer than most Canadian adults because of the massive US wealth inequality:
US middle-class wealth has collapsed. Chart: USA. 1989-2018. Top 1% Up $21 Trillion. Bottom 50% Down $900 Billion. [5]. And: 5 Oct 2017: Nine Charts about Wealth Inequality in America (Updated). And: Just 8 men own same wealth as half the world. And see Wikipedia: Wealth in the United States.
11 Aug 2021: Billionaires worldwide gained $5.5 trillion during pandemic. [6]. Hunger. [7].
Republicans started wars that wasted $8 trillion [8] on ground wars (some based on Bush/CIA lies about weapons of mass destruction). Instead of paying higher minimum wages. As Canada does. See: Wikipedia: List of minimum wages by country.

High household debt
Return to top. See Wikipedia: Household debt.
US household debt at all time high. See Wikimedia Commons chart. Timeline below is by quarters. From 1st quarter 2003 through recent times. Click to enlarge.
High US medical debt
Return to top. See: Canadian single-payer universal healthcare versus US healthcare.
This doesn't happen in Canada, due to single-payer universal healthcare: US. 34 Devastating Stories About How People Are Still Crushed By Medical Debt. By Venessa Wong, Jan 17, 2019. BuzzFeed News.

High student loan debt
- Student Loan Debt by State. Map, table, and article.
- Student Loan Debt Statistics: 2022. U.S. student loan debt totals $1.75 trillion as of April 2022.
Public elementary and secondary school in the USA costs an average of $14,891 a year per student in taxes. The money spent between the ages of 16 to 18 could be set aside for 2 years of full-board-and-tuition college.
Look at Scotland: Adult at age 16. Scotland. What can I do at my age? And: Age of Legal Capacity (Scotland) Act 1991. And: Wikipedia: Education in Scotland: "In 2014, research by the Office for National Statistics found that Scotland was the most highly educated country in Europe". See: Wikipedia: Age of majority (by country). Wikipedia: Voting age.

Punitive bankruptcy law
- No Fresh Start: Will States Let Debt Collectors Push Families Into Poverty In The Wake of a Pandemic? US map with state-by-state grades on the fairness of bankruptcy laws. "NCLC surveys the exemption laws of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Sadly, not one jurisdiction’s laws meet basic standards so that debtors can continue to work productively to support themselves and their families."
- Model Family Financial Protection Act. Including fairer bankruptcy and debt laws.
- Debt in America: An Interactive Map. 29% of all adults. 24% of whites. 39% of people of color. See the map there, and below. See the astonishing percentages of adults with debt in collection. By county. Especially in the South. The Republican south has been greatly impoverished by low Republican minimum wages, lack of expanded Medicaid, unfair bankruptcy laws, massive evictions (past and upcoming). See Wikipedia: Republican states. And: US Republican states. It's not just cannabis prohibition. Many maps.
No universal healthcare
Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security all came from Democrats. You pay the taxes while healthier. Republicans prefer that you are broke. 50% in U.S. Fear Bankruptcy Due to Major Health Event. [9]. Google search: 26,000 Americans die each year from not having health insurance.
Note the lack of Medicaid expansion in the Republican south in the map below. See Wikipedia: Republican states. See: US Republican states. It's not just cannabis prohibition. Many maps.

Orange states do not have Medicaid expansion.
Single payer costs less
Wikipedia: List of countries by total health expenditure per capita. US spends more per person on healthcare but has a lower average life expectancy. Click chart below to enlarge. Source, with more info. Health spending by country. Percent of GDP (Gross domestic product). 11.7% for Canada in 2021. 17.8% for the United States in 2020.
Covid death rates in GOP south
Return to top. See: Wikipedia: Republican states.
Map. Note the high death rates in the Republican south. At the source you can hover your cursor over states to see stats: Map of cumulative COVID-19 death rates by US state. See also: Commons map. See: US Republican states. It's not just cannabis prohibition. Many maps.
28 Aug 2021: Do face masks work? 49 scientific studies that explain why they do.
29 Aug 2021: CDC: An Unvaccinated Teacher Took Off Their Mask to Read Aloud. Half the Class Got COVID.
President Eisenhower. 1953:
His 91% top marginal tax rate
Equaled prosperity for more.
Eisenhower, an economically progressive Republican President, had a 91% top marginal income tax rate.. [10]. He participated in one of the greatest eras of economic prosperity-for-more in the US in the 1950s.
That era had lower overall taxes on the middle class.
In the United States, the first progressive federal income tax was established by the Revenue Act of 1862. The act was signed into law by Republican president Lincoln. It replaced a flat tax. See Wikipedia: Progressive tax.
US federal minimum wage
Return to top. See: USA. The state of the nation.
The drug war as stated higher up (Nixon's racist drug war) is a 50+ year distraction all to keep poor people poor, shrink the middle class, transfer wealth to the top, and to cut taxes on the rich.
The federal minimum wage would be $13.46 in 2022 dollars if its real value had remained at the 1968 level. Even more in 2023 dollars. See graph below.
Due to Republican filibusters (or their threat) in the US Senate the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour has not increased since July 24, 2009, a record-setting minimum wage freeze. Also, note the low minimum wages in the Republican south in the map below. See Wikipedia: Republican states. See: US Republican states. It's not just cannabis prohibition. Many maps.
- A $15 minimum wage would cost jobs, right? Probably not, economists say.
- There’s More Evidence That Raising the Minimum Wage Won’t Cost Jobs.
- The U.S. has one of the stingiest minimum wage policies of any wealthy nation. Washington Post.
- Wikipedia: List of countries by minimum wage.
- Wikipedia: Minimum wage in the United States.
- Wikipedia: List of US states by minimum wage.
- Wikipedia: List of European countries by minimum wage.

Cannabis is safer
Return to top. Trump’s Ominous Acting-DEA Administrator Appointment. And: Trump: “We’re going to be asking everyone who sells drugs, gets caught, to receive the death penalty for their heinous acts”.
Full site / Mobile. To Top. Or End. Note: The following sections are at: Cannabis and more. The big picture. On most WeedWiki pages.
See 2024 GMM-420 on Fandom and on Shoutwiki. Cannabis is just one aspect of the drug war. See also: Beyond drug war, debt, and wealth concentration. To single-payer healthcare and progressive taxation.
See articles: Cannabis is safer. And: History of US Republican-led war on cannabis, and their lies about its health effects. Note the Republican states (in the South, for example) in the map below.
Legal for recreational use
Legal for medical use
No comprehensive medical program
● Decriminalized
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GOP War on Poor
And middle class. Since low minimum wage lowers wages above it too. The inflation-adjusted minimum wage peaked at over $14 in 1968 (see chart on page 2). It has halved in real value down to $7.25 today. The stolen wages went to Trump's billionaire club, and stayed there due to Reagan and Trump's gutting of progressive taxation via tax cuts for the rich. See CRS chart.
"Study after study has found that raising minimum wages has a positive effect on employment." - John Driscoll, of Patriotic - Sep 12, 2024 article. See Facebook: Patriotic Millionaires. And see many maps showing the failings of Republican states. [18] [19].
See comments at Patriotic Millionaires. See Newsweek. |
See image with added text. Video: Musk's support for far-right groups, people, violence. [20][21]. |
US minimum wage would be $25.52 an hour in 2023 if it had kept up with productivity. The split coincided with Nixon's 1971 declaration of a War on Drugs. |
Sourcing info on Wikimedia Commons. The full image shows up on Facebook by sharing the link. |
Wikipedia: List of US states by minimum wage. $7.25 states are majority Republican in both houses. New Hampshire in Senate only. Get PNG map noting GOP states. |
See Wikimedia SVG map. See PNG map [22] (for Facebook, etc.). |
History of the US federal minimum wage. Over $14 (inflation-adjusted) peak in 1968. $7.25 an hour now due to Republican filibusters in the US Senate. See Wikimedia GIF chart. |
Republicans like the current slave labor pay for farmworkers. An expanded guest worker program would give them better pay.
- US farm groups want Trump to spare their workers from deportation. Nov 25, 2024. "Nearly half of the nation's approximately 2 million farm workers lack legal status, ... as well as many dairy and meatpacking workers."
All wealth to top
Trends in the Distribution of Family Wealth, 1989 to 2022. Congressional Budget Office. |
Facebook page with comments. On Commons. |
Mean household net worth of the bottom 40% is in the red (in debt). See table 1. Image source. On Commons. |
2013 data is used. See PNG image info. |
Robert Reich post from Sept. 12, 2022. Source and comments. |
See JPG image info. |
A Nov. 25, 2024 post. See source and comments. |
See JPG image info. |
A Jan. 2, 2025 post at Facebook: Patriotic Millionaires. See source and comments. |
See JPG image info. |
See source with comments. |
See JPG image info. |
Tax cuts for rich
Return to top. Trump tax proposals. 2024 election. Average tax changes by income group in 2026. From: A Distributional Analysis of Donald Trump’s Tax Plan. Oct 7, 2024. Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy.
Republican states
Return to top. See: US Republican (GOP) states. It is not just cannabis prohibition. Many maps showing the failings of GOP states. & Mirror. Note the states in the South, for example.
In 2024 presidential election only 2 states voted unanimously red (Republican) or blue (Democrat) by county: Massachusetts and Oklahoma. You can google each of the rankings in the image below, and see that they are correct.

2024 election: Oklahoma map. And: Massachusetts map.
See Fight for $15. US map below is percent of workers earning less than $15 per hour. Concerning the gray n/a states CEPR wrote: "States that had minimum wages of at least $15 and those that were between $14 and $15 were not analyzed." |
Convert a US list/table to a state-by-state data map. With examples and step-by step instructions. |
Canadian healthcare
Save $1.5 trillion yearly
Return to top. See Short PNG image of table below (for sharing on social media).
Save $1.5 trillion yearly in the US. Canada spent 11.2 percent of its GDP for total healthcare costs in 2022. US spent 16.6 percent in 2022. 5.4% is the difference. 5.4% of US GDP is $1.5 trillion dollars in 2022. Universal single-payer healthcare savings, and progressive taxation, could pay off the $36 trillion US national debt. Total average healthcare spending per person in 2022: $6,319 for Canada. $12,555 for the US. Yet Canadians have a longer average lifespan. Share link.
Canada vs US GOP
Return to top. Canada has legal recreational and medical cannabis across Canada. Republicans (GOP) block both in US. In Canada the average per-person cost of their single-payer universal healthcare is half that of the US. And Canada has a longer average lifespan. As for the US read a UnitedHealthcare denial horror story, and many more. [24][25]. Stats article: "The company dismissed about one in every three claims in 2023 — the most of any major insurer. That's twice the industry average of 16%". See Wikipedia: Medical debt. It's much higher in the US, though Canada has a lot of dental medical debt. Both the US and Canada do not adequately support dental health. But the Canadian Dental Care Plan is solving that problem now. US Republicans Voted Often to Kill Coverage of Pre-Existing Conditions. [26][27][28]. Republicans want to make Medicaid like UnitedHealthcare.
Average annual health spending. US dollars (PPP) per person. OECD countries and more. |
![]() Commons source. Click to enlarge. |

Share link widely.
Roswell. Warming
Carbon-free energy

See JPG file.

See JPG file.
Share link: Roswell UFO. Much UFO technology has been back engineered, and its carbon-free energy could end global warming. See Stephen Greer (SG) playlist. SG video channels: [29][30][31][32][33]. See his documentary: The Lost Century: And How to Reclaim It. [34][35]. SG witness testimonies: [36][37][38][39]. National Press Club: 2023. 2001. SG documentaries for free: [40][41][42][43] [44][45][46][47] [48][49][50]. JustWatch: [51][52][53] [54][55][56]. And: [57][58][59][60] [61][62][63][64] [65][66][67][68] [69][70][71]. SG's Disclosure Project Intelligence Archive. [72]. See also the David Grusch, David Fravor, and Ryan Graves disclosures at July 26, 2023 House hearing about US possession of aliens, alien bodies, alien craft, and back engineering: [73][74][75][76] [77][78][79][80][81] [82][83][84][85][86][87]. See History channel: [88][89][90] [91][92][93][94]. National Geographic: [95][96][97][98]. See: Bob Lazar and George Knapp. See Rendlesham Forest UFO witness interviews. [99].
See the July 8, 1947 Roswell Daily Record below. Image info. Click image to enlarge. Full-size is readable. See full text of saucer article. [100]. U.S. Army officer Walter Haut issued the initial "flying disk" press release. His 2002 notarized affidavit said there were 2 crash sites, and that he had seen a craft, alien bodies, and handled wreckage material. (see page 14 of pdf). It was released in a 2007 book after his death in 2005. The 20 paragraph 2002 affidavit is also online here: [101] (page 14). [102][103][104][105][106]. 37 witnesses to the Roswell shape memory foil. [107][108][109] [110][111][112]. Page 54 of Jesse Marcel, Jr. book. Crumple it and it uncrumples without creases. Did not exist in 1947.

July 8, 1947. See JPG page with full text transcribed.

Walter Haut in 1947. See JPG file.
2002 affidavit is on pages 239-242 of the 2022 edition: Witness to Roswell, 75th Anniversary Edition: Unmasking the Government's Biggest Cover-up (more eyewitnesses). 36 pages previewed in Google Books. Click "preview" button and scroll down to pages 239-240. Search within the book. There is an inexpensive Kindle ebook. Moonwalker Dr. Edgar Mitchell wrote the foreword.
Haut's daughter, Julie Shuster, in 2002, 3 years before his death, "verbally discussed each and every sentence" of the affidavit with him. She said it was not a deathbed confession. See Sept 2007 MUFON UFO Journal. Issue 473. Page 15. And this article from Special Broadcasting Service. Archived. See Julie Shuster on IMDb.
Google search: Walter Haut 2002 Roswell affidavit. Articles about Haut:
30 June 2007: Roswell officer's amazing deathbed admission raises possibility that aliens DID visit. By Nick Pope. Same article also published here and here. Archived here and here.
5 June 2022: Roswell officer's deathbed confession about theory of alien cover up. By Declan Carey. Archived here.
14 May 2021: Ex-Army officer ADMITS he saw ‘alien the size of a 10-year-old child’ after famous Roswell UFO crash in incredible video. By Emma Parry. Archived here. This article has a short excerpt of the video.
May 2021: Roswell Officer Speaks From the Grave: Video Released, Confesses that Alien was "the size of a 10 year old". By Anthony Bragalia. Archived here. From article (emphasis added): "This video clip is part of a memoir video / oral history over two hours in length that covers many personal and professional aspects of Haut's life. The video was taken at the Roswell Museum in 2000 with friends Dennis Balthaser and Wendy Connors."
Galactic Pot March
Category: Cannabis Wiki - category tree of the whole site.
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