American Holy Wars on brown people worldwide. Covering up lies is complicity in murder. America’s wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, etc. cost $5.9 trillion.
- Share links: Wars - Wars on demand - CIA. This article was written by Timeshifter. See: Brutality and the Drug War. And: Race, ethnicity, and drug war. And: Holy War on Drugs, Conservative-led global incarceration.
10 Jun 2019: Duterte Turns Death Squads on Political Activists. Foreign Policy.
24 Jan 2019: Philippines and Bangladesh. Drug-war extrajudicial killings of many opposition leaders.
The axis of evil Reagan-Bush wars, and fabricated wars, on demand. Including drug wars, and torture. Special discount for wars on brown people. A good movie: Syriana. See also: Reagan's war on cannabis.
2 Oct 1982: Ronald Reagan: Radio Address to the Nation on Federal Drug Policy. [5][6][7]. Quote (emphasis added):
"Each was fighting its own separate battle against drugs. Now, for the very first time, the Federal Government is waging a planned, concerted campaign. ... We're making no excuses for drugs—hard, soft, or otherwise. Drugs are bad, and we're going after them. As I've said before, we've taken down the surrender flag and run up the battle flag. And we're going to win the war on drugs." |
- Prosecutors Reviewing Request to Issue Arrest Warrant for Trump’s New CIA Director. [8]. By Colin Kalmbacher. March 13, 2018. From the article:
"From 2002 to 2005, Haspel was an active participant in the CIA’s 'extraordinary rendition' program. ... Specifically, Haspel was in charge of the CIA’s 'Cat’s Eye,' a secret prison located in Thailand. Haspel oversaw the daily torture of detained individuals at Cat’s Eye." |
Thailand also killed thousands of drug users during this period. See Thailand section farther down.
12 Jul 2019: Most Veterans Say America’s Wars Are a Waste. No One’s Listening to Them. The New Republic.
Iraq War and WMD lies
Sep 2006: Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq. By Jonathan Stein and Tim Dickinson. Mother Jones. Sept 2006. Updated since then. Coordinated campaign of lies by the Bush administration.
6 Feb 2018: Lie After Lie: What Colin Powell Knew About Iraq 15 Years Ago and What He Told the U.N.. By Jon Schwarz, The Intercept.
5 Apr 2016: At Least Trump Got One Thing Right. There Were No WMDs in Iraq. Huffington Post.
13 Feb 2016: Donald Trump Accuses George W. Bush Of Lying To Invade Iraq. Huffington Post.
19 May 2015: Jeb Bush Says His Brother Was Misled Into War by Faulty Intelligence. That’s Not What Happened. Mother Jones. And: [9][10][11][12].
13 May 2015: Jeb Bush Confronted By College Student: 'Your Brother Created ISIS'.
19 March 2015.The CIA Just Declassified the Document That Supposedly Justified the Iraq Invasion. [13][14].
10 July 2014: Remembering the Hoax That Helped Launch the U.S. Invasion, and Later Disintegration, of Iraq. By Knut Royce.
18 June 2014: Republicans still lying about Iraq. [15]. Huffington Post.
19 Mar 2013: Charts: Bush Lowballed us on Iraq by $6 Trillion. By Tasneem Raja. Mother Jones.
5 Feb 2013: Lie After Lie After Lie: What Colin Powell Knew Ten Years Ago Today and What He Said. By Jonathan Schwarz, HuffPost, Feb 5, 2013. Updated Apr 7, 2013.
- Wikipedia: Rationale for the Iraq War. And: Downing Street memo. And: Iraqi aluminum tubes. And: United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441. See Wikipedia: Niger uranium forgeries. It's all about the yellowcake uranium.
12 Oct 2007: “Seven countries in five years”. By Joe Conason. October 12, 2007. Quote:
On the first visit, less than two weeks after Sept. 11, [2011] he writes, a "senior general" told him, "We're going to attack Iraq. The decision has basically been made."
Six weeks later, [General Wesley] Clark returned to Washington to see the same general and inquired whether the plan to strike Iraq was still under consideration. The general's response was stunning: "'Oh, it's worse than that,' he said, holding up a memo on his desk. 'Here's the paper from the Office of the Secretary of Defense [then Donald Rumsfeld] outlining the strategy. We're going to take out seven countries in five years.' And he named them, starting with Iraq and Syria and ending with Iran." |
- America's gulag. By Stephen Grey. 17 May 2004. New Statesman. America's system of worldwide extraordinary rendition and torture.
- Flashback: Rep. Bernie Sanders Opposes Iraq War. October 9, 2002, then-Rep. Bernie Sanders made this statement on the floor of the House of Representatives.
Costs of War project updates
Return to top. It's now up to $5.9 trillion.
America's 'war on terror' has cost the US nearly $6 trillion and killed roughly half a million people. By John Haltiwanger. Nov. 14, 2018. Business Insider.
- Estimating The Costs Of War, Then And Now. By Tom Engelhardt. Nov. 21, 2017. Huffington Post. From the article (emphasis added):
Just recently, the Costs of War project at Brown University’s Watson Institute offered a new estimate of what America’s wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Pakistan will cost the country through fiscal year 2018 and it’s a figure ― $5.6 trillion ― that should make your head spin. It certainly leaves Lindsey’s and Daniels’s estimates in a ditch somewhere on the road to Baghdad. Put another way, we’re talking at a bare minimum about a cost per American taxpayer since September 12, 2001, of more than $23,000. Good for the economy? Hmmm. And the Costs of War report’s estimate doesn’t even include interest on the borrowing that’s taken place to pay for those wars, which, it suggests, is “projected to add more than $1 trillion dollars to the national debt by 2023.” |
The link in the above quote goes here:
- United States Budgetary Costs of Post-9/11 Wars Through FY 2018: A Summary of the $5.6 Trillion in Costs for the US Wars in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan, and Post-9/11 Veterans Care and Homeland Security. By Neta C. Crawford, Boston University. November 2017. Costs of War project at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs. From the report (emphasis added):
As of late September 2017, the United States wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Syria and the additional spending on Homeland Security, and the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs since the 9/11 attacks totaled more than $4.3 trillion in current dollars through FY2017. Adding likely costs for FY2018 and estimated future spending on veterans, the costs of war total more than $5.6 trillion. This report focuses on US federal budgetary costs and obligations for America’s wars since 9/11. |
This Google search pulls up more articles:
Various articles use the above total cost to come up with the number of $23,000 per taxpayer. It would be more accurate to say per adult U.S. resident. $5.6 trillion divided by $23,000 equals 243.5 million people. See: Demography of the United States: "There were about 125.9 million adult women in the United States in 2014. The number of men was 119.4 million." That totals 245.3, close enough for government purposes. :)
Republican wars on brown people
The "War on Drugs". Why is everything a "war" or a "crusade" to Republicans? The war on drugs is a war on people.
George Carlin: Youtube: George Carlin: "We Like War!" 1992. "Especially if your country's full of brown people." (1 min 20 sec in. Direct link there). Bush's "crusade". |
Reagan's lies, and War on Cannabis
- Reagan's war on cannabis is where the U.S. incarceration nation began.
Reaganism: Cannabis war, trickle-down economics, code-word racism, hate radio, mass incarceration.
- Number of marijuana prisoners in the USA: 40,000+. All drug offenses: 501,000+
- The Insane World of Vintage Anti-Marijuana PSAs. By Rae Alexandra. December 4, 2017. KQED.
The majority of people incarcerated in prisons and jails in the USA are in due to drug-related offenses, crimes to get money for drugs, or drug-related parole or probation violations. Wikipedia: Drug-related crime. The number of inmates in the USA has increased almost 5 times over since 1980. It peaked in 2008. Obama's Democrat landslide in 2008 turned the incarceration rate around. The cost of the U.S. drug war is at least 1.5 trillion dollars. Cannabis is safer! Share link. |
Republican-led big spending on drug war.
Trillion-dollar Cost of Republican-led U.S. drug war. And: Its racist application. [16][17].
Plan Mexico. Mérida Initiative death squads
Wikipedia: Plan Mexico, (and before):
- Missing Mexicans’ Case Shines Light on Military’s Role in Drug War. April 30, 2018. New York Times.
- When the War on Drugs in Mexico Comes Back Home to the U.S. - In These Times. By Rebecca Gordon. March 23, 2015. "The Pentagon and CIA are also involved in Mexico in significant ways." Read the article.
- U.S. role at a crossroads in Mexico’s intelligence war on the cartels. April 27, 2013. Washington Post. By Dana Priest. "Back then, the Mexican intelligence service, CISEN, 'was basically run by the CIA,' according to one former CISEN official. Although that has changed with time, the unusually close relationship between Mexican presidents and CIA chiefs has not."
- Mexico Is Trying To Win Its War On Drugs By Using More Torture. Sept 4, 2014 in Mint Press News.
- Torture in Mexico is 'Out of Control' According to Amnesty International. Sept 9, 2014 in Vice magazine.
Trump's "favorite dictator": Egypt's Al Sisi
14 Sep 2019: Trump Called Out ‘Where’s My Favorite Dictator?’ When Looking for Egyptian President at G7. By Peter Wade. Rolling Stone.
Trump's support of Saudi Arabian thugs
24 May: Trump dictatorship: Trump bypassing Congress with $8 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates.
6 May: Trump's dictator friends: One of my Saudi clients is dead. Another is living, but he could be next: Exiled lawyer. Many dissenters regularly executed after torture and false confessions.
27 Apr: Five men beheaded by Saudi Arabia were gay according to ‘confessions extracted under torture’.
Gulf War I
- Gulf War 2 a Bush Disaster? So was Gulf War 1. By Barry Lando. May 28, 2015. Huffington Post:
"Incredibly, even as some American officials were adamant that the U.S. had no commitments to Kuwait, other senior Americans were reassuring top Kuwaitis that the U.S. was totally in their corner, and urged them not to buckle to the Iraqi leader's demands. One of those was General Norman Schwartzkopf, then American commander for the Gulf region, who personally told Kuwaiti officials that the U.S. had their back. The director of the CIA was also encouraging Kuwaiti them to keep the economic strangle hold on Saddam. ... To convince the Saudis of that threat, then Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney flew to Riyadh. He took with him satellite photographs that supposedly showed Iraqi armored forces massed in offensive positions, ready to strike the Saudis. ... After the invasion, a number of news organizations obtained commercial satellite photographs of Iraqi forces in Kuwait and had them examined by skilled photo analysts, veterans of the U.S. intelligence community. They found no signs of the supposed massive Iraqi troop build up anywhere near the Saudi border; nor for that matter anywhere in Kuwait."
Iraq invaded Kuwait in August 1990. On October 10, 1990, a young Kuwaiti girl known only as "Nayirah" appeared in front of a congressional committee and testified that she witnessed the mass murdering of infants, when Iraqi soldiers had snatched them out of hospital incubators and threw them on the floor to die. Her testimony became a lead item in newspapers, radio and TV all over the US. The story was eventually exposed as a fabrication in December 1992, in a CBC-TV program called To Sell a War. Nayirah was revealed to be the daughter of Kuwait's ambassador to the United States, and actually hadn't seen the "atrocities" she described take place; the PR firm Hill & Knowlton, which had been hired by the Kuwaiti government to encourage American intervention in the war, had heavily promoted her testimony.
Thailand's summary executions, drug-war death squads, black sites
- Prosecutors Reviewing Request to Issue Arrest Warrant for Trump’s New CIA Director. [18]. By Colin Kalmbacher. March 13, 2018. From the article:
"From 2002 to 2005, Haspel was an active participant in the CIA’s 'extraordinary rendition' program. ... Specifically, Haspel was in charge of the CIA’s 'Cat’s Eye,' a secret prison located in Thailand. Haspel oversaw the daily torture of detained individuals at Cat’s Eye." |
Gina Haspel became chief of the "Cat's Eye" CIA black site in Thailand in late October 2002. [19][20][21].
- In January 2003 Thaksin Shinawatra, the prime minister of Thailand, began a campaign of disappearances, summary executions, and extra-judicial killings of suspected drug users that killed thousands of people. Gains from Thailand’s bloody war on drugs proved fleeting. By Marvin Bionat. July 09, 2016. (the official website of the Philippine Daily Inquirer.).
- Wikipedia pages with sections on history of drug war death squads:
- Premiership of Thaksin Shinawatra. Section on anti-drug policies.
- Thaksin Shinawatra. See section on The War on Drugs.
Jeff Sessions once wanted to execute pot dealers.
1/3 of adult Americans have been arrested
In the graphic to the right I don't know about the accuracy of the numbers under Stalin. But the number for American arrests can be found in the articles below:
- Study: 1 in 3 Americans Arrested By Age 23. By Maia Szalavitz. Dec. 19, 2011. Time magazine. "About one-third of people are cuffed for something more serious than a traffic violation before their early 20s."
- Just Facts: As Many Americans Have Criminal Records As College Diplomas. By Matthew Friedman. November 17, 2015. Brennan Center for Justice.
Chicago's black sites and torture
- Google search: CIA's Phoenix Program in Vietnam.
- A Chronicle of Woe: US Policing Culture From Iraq and Vietnam to Jon Burge's Chicago. April 27, 2015. Truthout.
- Cop accused of brutally torturing black suspects costs Chicago $5.5 million. April 15, 2015. Washington Post. "In its 2005 profile of Burge, the Chicago Reader suggests Burge may have honed his torture techniques on suspected Vietcong soldiers and sympathizers. Multiple members of Burge’s Ninth Military Police Company told the newspaper that they had either witnessed or heard of interrogations using a 'field phone' similar to the black box Burge would later be accused of using. In what they called 'the Bell telephone hour,' soldiers would shock prisoners in an attempt to obtain information."
- On May 6, 2015 Chicago City Council voted to become the first in the nation to create a reparations fund for victims of police torture. At Chicago's various "black sites" over decades. Drug war POWs involved too. "Burge and his 'midnight crew' of detectives on the city's South Side used electric shock, beatings, suffocation and even Russian roulette to coerce confessions out of suspects. The city has already paid more than $100 million in judgments and legal settlements to some victims."
- Google News searches: Chicago torture. And: Homan Square. Do a general web search too.
- Gitmo Torturer Practiced as Chicago Cop. Feb. 18, 2015. [22].
- Inside Chicago's legacy of police abuse: violence 'as routine as traffic lights' . March 3, 2015. The Guardian.
- Homan Square . The Guardian. "Guardian investigation details allegations of abuse inside a secretive facility operated by the Chicago police department."
- Homan Square: politicians push DoJ to investigate 'CIA or Gestapo tactics' at secret police site. March 19, 2015. The Guardian.
- How Chicago police used marijuana to disappear young people at Homan Square. March 11, 2015. The Guardian.
- The disappeared: Chicago police detain Americans at abuse-laden 'black site' | US news . Feb. 24, 2015. The Guardian.
Straight Inc black sites. Beatings, torture
- I Spent 16 Months Of My Childhood Locked In A Warehouse. Mar 1, 2019. By Cyndy Etler. HuffPost. Straight Inc involuntary teen drug rehab. From the article:
... they were slammed to the concrete floor and “sat on” by the biggest, meanest kids in the group. One big kid on each arm, another couple angry kids on the legs, a fifth brutal kid cramming the “misbehavor’s” skull down onto their lap. In one of the many, many lawsuits filed against Straight, a girl won a $37,500 settlement for, among other things, being “sat on” for 10 hours. |
Virus attacks by CIA at home and abroad
- Florida Dengue Fever Outbreak Leads Back to CIA and Army Experiments. By Zoe Martell and HP Albarelli Jr. Wikipedia:Truthout. July 21, 2010.
- Wikipedia: Project ARTICHOKE.
- Wikipedia: Project MKNAOMI.
Canada's CIA brainwashing experiments
3 May 2018: The toxic legacy of Canada's CIA brainwashing experiments: 'They strip you of your soul'. By Ashifa Kassa. The Guardian.
Fort Detrick, CIA’s Base for Mind Control
15 Sep 2019: The Secret History of Fort Detrick, the CIA’s Base for Mind Control Experiments. By Stephen Kinzer. Politico Magazine.
President Carter threatened over UFOs
President Carter was threatened in the Oval Office with not finishing his first term because of his probes into government UFO info. Free audio interview online:
- Bizarre States #138: Unacknowledged with Dr. Steven Greer | Nerdist. Posted May 18, 2017. Threat info at 30 minutes 15 seconds in. Wikipedia: Steven M. Greer. Youtube: Sirius Disclosure. A documentary about the life of Dr. Stephen Greer: Unacknowledged (2017 documentary). On Netflix. May be the best documentary ever on aliens, UFOs, etc.. And: Steven Greer did that press conference in 2001: "On Wednesday, May 9th, 2001, over twenty military, intelligence, government, corporate and scientific witnesses came forward at the National Press Club in Washington, DC to establish the reality of UFOs or extraterrestrial vehicles, extraterrestrial life forms, and resulting advanced energy and propulsion technologies."
Deaths surrounding advanced research
- The Mystery of the Marconi Deaths. By Nick Redfern. Mysterious Universe. More info. "Dozens of scientists and technicians – all working on highly-classified programs, and all linked to one, particular company – dead under highly controversial and unusual circumstances. It’s a controversy that ran from the early 1980s to 1991 and remains unresolved to this very day."
"Just seven days after Greenhalgh and Gooding died, and only a short distance away, a woman named Shani Warren took her last breaths. Warren worked for Micro Scope, a company taken over by Marconi just weeks later. Despite being found in just a foot and a half of water, and with a gag in her mouth, her feet bound, and her hands tied behind her back, the official verdict was – wholly outrageously – suicide." |
"Britain’s murderous Special Branch operatives":
It is worth stating that on the 17th of April 1987, “Thames Police” claimed that an amanuensis for Microscope, Shani Warren, aged 26, gagged her own mouth with a blue scarf, tied her own hands behind her back with spark plug cables, tied her own feet together with rope, then flung herself face down in a man-made lake called Lake Taplow, |
- Marconi Deaths. Reddit.
- The Marconi Murders.
Bay of Pigs
Wikipedia: Bay of Pigs Invasion:
- C.I.A.: Maker of Policy, or Tool? [23] April 25, 1966. New York Times. "President Kennedy, as the enormity of the Bay of Pigs disaster came home to him, said to one of the highest officials of his administration that he wanted 'to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds'. ... In the 19 years that the CIA has been in existence, 150 resolutions for tighter congressional control have been introduced - and put aside."
Presidents have too much power
Bring back democracy: Remove Presidential veto power. And: Senate 60% rule.
Presidents have too much power. | Johnson: Vietnam War, Warren Commission. Nixon: War on Drugs. Reagan: Mandatory minimum sentencing and mass incarceration. -- Video. Bush 1: More mass incarceration. Iraq War and lies about WMDs. |
4 conservative coups d'etats in the US
2000. Gore won popular vote
2016. Clinton won popular vote
1968. Robert Kennedy assassination
Another one of RFK's children believes there was a 2nd gunman: "Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, the former Lieutenant Governor of Maryland".
RFK Jr. did an interview with the Washington Post in May 2018:
- Who killed Bobby Kennedy? His son RFK Jr. doesn’t believe it was Sirhan Sirhan. By Tom Jackman. May 26, 2018. Washington Post.
- Did L.A. police and prosecutors bungle the Bobby Kennedy assassination probe? By Tom Jackman. June 5, 2018. Washington Post.
- Bobby Kennedy’s son suspects 2nd gunman killed father. May 26, 2018. The Portland Press Herald.
- RFK's children believe there was a second assassin with Sirhan Sirhan. By IrishCentral Staff. June 02, 2018. IrishCentral.
Hoover-era FBI altered witness testimony of hearing 2 gunmen and 12 to 14 shots. And: Los Angeles police department destroyed much evidence.
RFK and JFK had been in the military (JFK in combat). Both killed in coups d'etats. Both opposed any great US involvement in Vietnam. Both were anti-racism icons. Hoover's FBI and President Johnson soon knew about and covered up the fact of more gunmen in both cases. They were after-the-fact accessories to murder.
RFK would have easily defeated Republican Richard Nixon in the 1968 election. RFK was a more popular candidate than Democrat Hubert Humphrey. So Nixon would have been twice defeated by a Kennedy (in 1960 and 1968). The Vietnam War would have been ended. The war industries would have lost a lot of profits.
1963. John F Kennedy assassination
Oswald may have been involved, but certainly not alone.
20 Nov 2013: Oliver Stone: JFK conspiracy deniers are in denial. USA Today. You decide. The U.S. police state has expanded greatly in the last 50 years since JFK's killing. From the article:
Quote |
Oliver Stone (emphasis added): |
- Yes, the CIA director was part of the JFK assassination cover up. By Philip Shenon. 7 Oct 2015. Politico. "Half a century after JFK’s death, in a once-secret report written in 2013 by the CIA’s top in-house historian and quietly declassified last fall, the spy agency acknowledges what others were convinced of long ago: that McCone and other senior CIA officials were 'complicit' in keeping 'incendiary' information from the Warren Commission."
- CIA 'covered up JFK assassination' as secret report 'reveals spy boss withheld "incendiary" information'. 8 Oct 2015. Daily Mirror.
- Inside the plot to kill JFK: The secret story of the CIA and what really happened in Dallas. 22 Nov 2015. Salon. By David Talbot, the founder of Salon. CIA and Mafia hit men. JFK. How many more confessions do we need? CIA starts wars. Killed foreign leaders.
- Why CIA’s Richard Helms Lied About Oswald: Part 1. And Part 2. December 23 and 27, 2015. By Peter Dale Scott.
- Wikipedia: JMWAVE.
- Wikipedia: Robert F. Kennedy: In a 2013 interview with CBS journalist Charlie Rose, son Robert F. Kennedy Jr. stated that his father was "fairly convinced" that others besides Oswald were involved in his brother's assassination and that he privately believed the Commission's report was a "shoddy piece of craftsmanship". [24].
- When Allen Ginsberg met the head of the CIA – and offered him a wager. June 21, 2018 article by Simon Willmetts. CIA complicity in the opium trade in the Vietnam era.
- Barry Seal. That whole CIA, mafia, and drugs thing goes way back. And RFK signed his family's death sentences when he went outside the law at times to shake that tree too hard. It's all organized crime, especially the biggest gangs of all, those in government. There are no winners, just trends, hits, and truces.
- Wikipedia: Barry Seal.
- American Made - Official Trailer. Some of it is based on Barry Seal. On HBO Now as of June 9, 2018.
Killing them allowed for more war
Both RFK and JFK opposed any great US involvement in Vietnam. Both were anti-racism icons.
So killing them allowed for more wars on demand. More wars on brown people at home and abroad.
Vietnam War
- The Vietnam War (2017 series). On Netflix: [25]. Written by Geoffrey C. Ward and directed by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick. An amazing series that cost $30 million. First episode explores and interweaves the long history of the French, Japanese, British, and American occupations. The series shows first-hand testimonies and video about the ruthless dictatorships and pseudo-democracies the US propped up in South Vietnam.
Veterans tell it like it was
- Youtube: Magnificent Storyteller Soldier Reveals What He Saw In Vietnam. A marine (W. D. Ehrhart) sums up the brutal occupation he participated in. Early February 1967 to late February 1968. His website. A favorite Youtube comment: "I was in Iraq 07-08, what he just explained has so many similarities to my experience there. We never learn."
At 4:51 in the video: - "The notion I had when I was in high school was that the Vietcong terrorized the Vietnamese population - forced them to fight against the Americans under pain of death. What I began to understand in Vietnam was that they didn't need to do things like that. All they had to do was let a marine patrol go through a village. And whatever was left of that village - they had all the recruits that they needed. I began to understand why the Vietnamese didn't greet me with open arms. Why they, in fact, hated me. But of course that didn't change the fact that my friends were getting killed and injured every day, and the only place that you could focus your own anger and fear was on those civilians who were there...the longer that we stayed in Vietnam, the more Vietcong there were, because we created and produced them."
CIA's war of deception and brutality
- C.I.A.: Maker of Policy, or Tool? [26] April 25, 1966. New York Times. "Senator Eugene J. McCarthy, Democrat of Minnesota, has charged that the agency 'is making foreign policy and in so doing is assuming the roles of President and Congress'." See CIA attacks on North Vietnam that preceded the Gulf of Tonkin incident and the war-enabling Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
- Forbidden Book: Douglas Valentine’s “The Phoenix Program: America’s Use of Terror in Vietnam”. "Never has such an in-depth look at a major CIA operation been written. ... The Phoenix Program itself was created by the CIA as a way to coordinate numerous counterinsurgency programs during the Vietnam war, using methods of blanket surveillance, kidnapping and extrajudicial detention, interrogation and torture, and the paramilitarization of the police. The goal, beyond gathering of intelligence, was to eliminate — via murder, mass use of informants, and terror."
Treason. Nixon and Kissinger sabotaged 1968 pre-election truce
- George Will Confirms Nixon's Vietnam Treason. August 12, 2014. By Bob Fitrakis, Harvey Wasserman. Common Dreams. From the article (emphasis added):
In the four years between the [1968] sabotage and what Kissinger termed “peace at hand” just prior to the 1972 election, more than 20,000 US troops died in Vietnam. More than 100,000 were wounded. More than a million Vietnamese were killed.
But in 1973, Kissinger was given the Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating the same settlement he helped sabotage in 1968. |
1964. Brazilian military government
Wikipedia: Brazilian military government:
- "The CIA performed psyops against Goulart, performed character assassination, pumped money into opposition groups, and enlisted the help of the Agency for International Development and the AFL-CIO. The 1964 Brazilian coup d'état exiled Goulart and the military dictatorship of Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco took over."
- The U.S. Spent Decades Teaching Torture Techniques To Brazil. Dec. 10, 2014. BuzzFeed. A Pentagon manual from the 1980s revealed in 1996 showed that the American instructors "recommended interrogation techniques like torture, execution, blackmail and arresting the relatives of those being questioned."
1953 Iran. Overthrow of democracy
- It’s time to release the real history of the 1953 Iran coup. By Malcom Byrne. 15 Oct 2016. Politico.
- CIA finally admits it masterminded Iran’s 1953 coup. August 20, 2013. RT USA.
- Wikipedia: 1953 Iranian coup d'état.
1973 Chile. Overthrow of democracy
1973. Spiro Agnew felt threatened by Nixon
REPORTER: You think then that there were men around Richard Nixon-- either in the White House staff or in the official mechanism of the CIA-- who were capable of killing a Vice President of the United States if they felt he was an embarrassment?
AGNEW: I don’t doubt that at all. Spiro Agnew didn’t just make that allegation that one time. He made it repeatedly. |
1987. South Korea
- 20 Jul 2019: ‘Dirty tricks’ were planned in South Korea’s first democratic election, CIA files show. South China Morning Post.
Operation Condor
- Wikipedia: Operation Condor. US-supported death squads throughout Latin America.
The Bourne Identity. The Real Story
- The Bourne Identity. The Real Story. 2009 on History channel in the United Kingdom, and 2010 on the Smithsonian Channel in the US. "See how covert CIA agents, as portrayed in the Bourne Trilogy, operate outside of Hollywood...and often outside the law." See more info. See video on Youtube.
Cannabis is safer
Return to top. Full site / Mobile. To Top. Or End. Note: This section and the following ones are at: Beyond drug war, debt, and wealth concentration. To single-payer healthcare and progressive taxation.
See articles: Cannabis is safer. And:
History of US Republican-led war on cannabis, and their lies about its health effects.
See 2024 GMM-420 on Fandom and on Shoutwiki. Leave event links and compilations at any wiki talk page (no need to log in). Or leave them in posts or comments at Facebook: Global Cannabis March and 420. And: Global Cannabis March in Europe. Or the private GMM group. Especially events outside the US. For any year. See years.
To Top. Or End. Or Articles. |
Republican states
• Cannabis laws worse in Republican states • Many maps showing failings of GOP states • Minimum wage • Wage theft |
Cannabis laws worse in Republican states.
Return to top. ~~ Return to section.
Wikipedia: Cannabis legality in US
Legal for recreational use
Legal for medical use
No comprehensive medical program
● Decriminalized
Many maps showing failings of GOP states.
Return to top. ~~ Return to section. Many PNG, JPG, and GIF maps for Facebook, etc.. See full article:
Maps. US Republican states. It's not just cannabis prohibition. It's also their higher overdose rates, worse healthcare, lower minimum wages, higher debt, higher murder rates, higher COVID death rates, higher incarceration rates, higher poverty rates, lower percentage of female legislators. Article linked above has many US maps. See Wikipedia: Republican states to see states with Republican governments. See also the page without the cannabis map: Maps showing the many failings of US Republican states.
PNG map (with note) for Facebook. Incarceration rates by state. PNG map is sharp on Facebook, unlike on some wikis. Try it! |
SVG map. Incarceration rates by state: |
Minimum wage.
Return to top. ~~ Return to section.
Wikipedia: List of US states by minimum wage. Note low minimum wages in Republican south. Get PNG map (with note). |
See Wikimedia SVG map. See PNG map [36] (for Facebook, etc.). |
The federal minimum wage would be $13.46 in 2022 dollars if its real value had remained at the 1968 level. Even more in 2024 dollars. See graph below. |
History of the US federal minimum wage. $13.46 inflation-adjusted peak in 1968. $7.25 an hour now due to Republican filibusters in the US Senate. See Wikimedia GIF chart. |
- See Wikipedia: Republican states.
- Wikipedia: List of US states by minimum wage.
- Wikipedia: List of European countries by minimum wage.
Beyond drug war, debt, and wealth concentration. To single-payer healthcare and progressive taxation. Simultaneous with the Republican-led drug war the GOP used the Senate filibuster to undemocratically severely restrict increases in the minimum wage at the federal level, and in GOP states.
US minimum wage would be $23 an hour in 2021 if it had kept up with productivity. |
Source article. [37]. See PNG image info. |
- A $15 minimum wage would cost jobs, right? Probably not, economists say.
- There’s More Evidence That Raising the Minimum Wage Won’t Cost Jobs.
- The U.S. has one of the stingiest minimum wage policies of any wealthy nation. Washington Post.
To Top. Or End. Or Articles. |
Wage theft.
Return to top. ~~ Return to section.
See: Wikipedia: Wage theft. And: Wikipedia: One Fair Wage.
- Employers steal billions from workers’ paychecks each year. From: Economic Policy Institute.
- Across Portland, Restaurant Owners Are Running Afoul of the Feds for Pooling Employees’ Tips.
- Analyzing Ohio’s two $15 minimum wage proposals. Republicans oppose significantly helping tipped workers.
States with tipped workers getting the same minimum wage as everybody else still have plenty of restaurants. Restaurants can't compete based on how small their hourly wage is. Customers no longer need to pay huge tips because workers get a higher hourly wage regardless of tips. Customers can still leave tips, but don't feel extorted. Republican leaders oppose higher minimum wages (of all kinds, but especially for tipped workers) because as pointed out elsewhere on this page, a main goal of the GOP is to concentrate wealth. Besides opposing progressive cannabis laws.
From a US Bureau of Labor Statistics page is this wage info:
Percentile | 10% | 25% | 50%
(Median) |
75% | 90% |
Hourly Wage | $ 8.94 | $ 11.43 | $ 15.36 | $ 20.00 | $ 28.89 |
Annual Wage | $ 18,600 | $ 23,770 | $ 31,940 | $ 41,600 | $ 60,100 |
GOP blocks healthcare
Vance Explains Trump’s “Concept of a Plan” Is to Essentially Dismantle Obamacare. By Chris Walker, Truthout. Sep 17, 2024 .
• Canada • Portugal's decrim • Harm reduction • Government debt • Save $1.5 trillion: • Single-payer • Medical bankruptcies • Richer Canadians • Healthier Canadians • Health spending • Poor and sick |
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Canada. See links. See also: Global Marijuana March Canada. Click to enlarge map:
Portugal's decrim.
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See: Portugal. Cannabis-related links and decriminalization. See the utter failure of the US Republican-led drug war and mass incarceration: It is killing Americans at the rate of one Vietnam War every 6 months.
There were around 105,400 US drug overdose deaths in the 12-month period ending February 29, 2024, at a rate of 288 deaths per day. 314 deaths per million US population. Only around 10 to 72 total deaths per year in Portugal, a country with universal healthcare, and where all drugs have been decriminalized since 2001. See timeline table of yearly overdose deaths by European country.
Chart from: December 15, 2020 article: Scotland's drug death crisis in six charts. BBC News. PNG file. |
Harm reduction.
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Government debt.
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Share link: Debt ceiling. See: Wikipedia: US debt ceiling.
Save $1.5 trillion:
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Per year in the US via:
Single-payer .
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Republicans oppose single-payer universal healthcare. US would save 1.5 trillion dollars per year if it instituted Canadian universal healthcare. That is 5.4% of US GDP.
Canada spent 11.2 percent of its GDP for total healthcare costs in 2022. US spent 16.6 percent in 2022. Former US Lawmaker Finally Enjoys Social Policies He Fought for—In Europe.
Medical bankruptcies.
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See: Health Care Costs Number One Cause of Bankruptcy for American Families. And: Americans have high personal medical debt, unlike Canadians. [38][39][40]. High student debt is another problem Americans have due to Republican politicians. Unlike Canadians. Changing the age of adulthood to 17 would free up a year of education money.
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Richer Canadians.
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US is Broke, not Woke. Healthcare spending and debt ceiling.
Many sleepy Americans can't do the math concerning healthcare costs and medical debt. Also, the cost of high incarceration rates due to the GOP-led war on drugs. Also US student debt, and US household debt due to GOP's low minimum wages, etc...
Wikipedia: List of countries by wealth per adult. Canadians are richer on average than Americans, and they have more energy because Canadians don't have to take 3 jobs, go bankrupt, or sell their homes, due to medical and student debt. See Wikipedia: List of countries by total health expenditure per capita. See: Student debt balance is forgiven after 15 years payment in Canada.
USA. Two Leading Economists Say Medicare for All Would Give 'Biggest Take-Home Pay Raise in a Generation'. |
Medicare spends 1.4% on bureaucracy. Insurance companies spend 16-20%. See chart. We need Medicare for All. |
Healthier Canadians.
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See: End drug war with universal healthcare and decriminalization. Cannabis is legal across Canada. See Wikipedia: Cannabis in Canada.
US Republicans Voted Often to Kill Coverage of Pre-Existing Conditions. [41][42][43].
Health spending.
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Republicans are responsible for the large US government deficit. Because they support the wasteful US healthcare system over the much cheaper single-payer universal healthcare in Canada and elsewhere. See: Canadian single-payer universal healthcare versus US healthcare.
Wikipedia: Health spending by country. Percent of GDP. See Gross domestic product. 11.2% for Canada in 2022. 16.6% for the US in 2022. |
See Wikimedia PNG chart source. |
Wikipedia: Health spending per capita. OECD countries. US dollars, using economy-wide PPPs. Public, private, and total expenditures. $6,319 for Canada in 2022. $12,555 for the US in 2022. |
See Wikimedia PNG chart source. |
Poor and sick.
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Canadians are healthier on average, and their preventive healthcare is much cheaper! Versus US Emergency Room care. See Wikipedia: Health spending as a percent of GDP by country (gross domestic product). And: Wikipedia: List of countries with universal health care.
"The Easy-to-Digest Republican Party Platform" from Michael Moore has this image: "Keep 'em poor and sick". |
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A war on the poor.
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US Republicans have led cannabis and drug wars worldwide. All to create poorer 2nd class citizens. They are blocked from many educational, job, and voting opportunities. Part of the conservative plan to concentrate wealth in fewer hands worldwide. And these wars are racist.
Wealth concentration
Wyden Says Trillions in Taxes Dodged by Ultra-Rich Could Fund Social Security Until 2100. Sep 11, 2024. Note the date. Vote Democrat to avoid rich Republican tax-dodging, and wars (Iraq War) based on lies (WMDs in Iraq) in order to enrich companies like Halliburton.
• The rich get richer • Top tax rates now favor the rich • Rich pay few taxes • A global minimum wealth tax |
The rich get richer.
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See Wikimedia Commons PNG image. |
See PNG image info. |
USA. The sorry state of the nation.
Mar 19, 2024: Sanders, UAW president press harder for shorter workweek. Excerpt: "Today, American workers are more than 400 percent more productive than they were in the 1940s. And yet, despite this fact, millions of our people are working longer hours for lower wages," they wrote. "In fact, 28.5 million Americans now work over 60 hours a week and more than half of full-time employees work more than 40 hours a week." After adjusting for inflation, American workers make almost $50 less a week than they did 50 years ago, they said.
Top tax rates now favor the rich.
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The solution is steep progressive taxation: Wikipedia: Progressive tax.
US federal income tax rate on billionaires averages only 8.2%. Click image to enlarge. |
"Most taxpayers, including firefighters and teachers, average a federal income tax rate of approximately 13.3%." |
See JPG image info. |
Rich pay few taxes.
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Making History: U.S. Billionaires Paid Lower Tax Rate Than Working Class. October 10, 2019. On Sources listed on graph: Emmanual Saez and Gabriel Zucman. Average effective tax rates of 400 richest families and bottom 50% of US households. 1960-2018. Includes federal, state, and local taxes.
April 15, 2024. Biden: "If Congress enacted President Biden’s tax plan, tens of millions of workers and families would have their taxes cut, nobody making less than $400,000 would pay a penny more in taxes, and the wealthy and big corporations would finally pay their fair share—which would fully pay for the President’s tax cuts and investment agenda."
A global minimum wealth tax.
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See: The poster child for the perils of dynastic wealth. By Robert Reich. Dynasties created by Republican regressive taxation.
Google: Buy, Borrow, Die. Tax strategy of the rich to pay few taxes. See Google Images search, too. See the ProPublica video and articles: [44][45]. And other articles: [46][47][48][49].
Jan 24, 2024 article: $8.5 Trillion in Untaxed Assets: Data Shows Why 'We Need a Billionaire Income Tax'. EXCERPTS: analysis found that the wealth of America's billionaires and centimillionaires has exploded in recent years as Republicans have enacted massive tax cuts for the rich ... "The cumulative $8.5 trillion of unrealized capital gains held by America's billionaires and centi-millionaires in 2022 has jumped by more than half–or $3.2 trillion–just since the last Fed survey year of 2019,"
Democrats who attack the rich do better in elections. The party should take notice.
Genuine democracy
Voter suppression.
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Vote out the many Republicans supporting backward cannabis laws. It is purposely made more difficult by the lack of no-excuse postal voting. Just one example of Republican voter suppression in GOP states. Such as many states in the south.
Wikipedia: Postal voting in United States. See PNG map with note. |
Lies of GOP radio.
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Google image search: Top right wing radio hosts.
How Fox News and the Right-Wing Media Machine Made My Dad Crazy. Republicans dominate talk radio. Especially in the Republican south with its backward cannabis laws.
See Wikipedia: Conservative talk radio. A percentage of people in many states do not have access to broadband internet, and desktop or laptop computers. Cell phones are a poor substitute for many people. So they are left with Republican propaganda radio, its code-word racism, and its constant disinformation.
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End the Senate filibuster.
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What is the filibuster? A look at the Senate’s consequential quirk and debate on its future. USA Today.
A minority of Senators (40%) should not be able to block laws supported by the majority of Americans. And rural states have even more disproportionate power. 11 Jan 2021: Mitch McConnell Told To 'Save The Damn Crocodile Tears' After Whining About Voting. "Seems @LeaderMcConnell is weak on the math skills. The Democratic half of the Senate represents 41,549,808 more Americans than the GOP half."
Cannabis would have been rescheduled long ago if not for the Republican filibuster. The War on Cannabis accelerated in the US, and that's where it will end. US Congress could legalize, reschedule, or remove cannabis from the federal schedule if the Republican filibuster were gone. Vote in US Senators who will abolish it. [51][52][53][54]. Senators Manchin or Sinema could abolish it now.
End the electoral college.
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Presidents should not be elected who do not receive the highest number of votes.
Abolish the electoral college. Imagine the US without the 12 years of the Bush and Trump presidencies and their backward cannabis policies.
Ranked voting.
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End the Presidential veto.
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See Wikipedia: Veto power in the United States. Presidents should not make law.
Over 50 years ago (on Dec 9, 1971) Republican drug-warrior President Richard Nixon vetoed a comprehensive childcare bill. End veto power!
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End Presidential war powers.
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Nixon, Reagan, and Bush are responsible for the US War on Drugs, and the lie that massive incarceration is a solution. See more lies in
Reagan's frequent demonization of cannabis.
Presidents have too much power. Wars later determined to be started based on lies of Presidents, or done in secret:
Vietnam War: President Johnson and the lie of the Gulf of Tonkin incident.
Cambodia: Nixon and Kissinger's secret B-52 carpet bombing campaign that helped create the unrest that led to Pol Pot's genocidal regime. And Kent State shootings in US.
Iraq War: President Bush and the lie of the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
Gaza: Canada vs US.
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If we had a genuine democracy, then the government would be forced to follow the wishes of the majority of Americans. A national referendum on Israel, for example, would stop its mass murder.
UN Probe Finds Israel Guilty of 'Extermination,' Torture, and Other War Crimes in Gaza. [55][56].
Biden on Trump: “No one is above the Law;” Except for Israel’s Netanyahu. Wikipedia: Genocide Convention: defines genocide as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: ...". It also defines: "Complicity in genocide." See: Nearly All 600,000 Kids in Rafah 'Injured, Sick, Malnourished,' Says UNICEF. And: UN Food Chief Says Northern Gaza Suffering 'Full-Blown Famine'.
Compare genocidally complicit American politicians' actions to Canada's politicians stopping military aid to genocidal Israel. See Gallup Poll chart higher up showing US change from majority approval (Nov. 2023) to majority disapproval (March 2024) of Israeli military action in Gaza. Source: Majority in U.S. Now Disapprove of Israeli Action in Gaza. March 27, 2024 by Jeffrey M Jones. Gallup Poll. Watch Bernie Sanders video: "Mr. Netanyahu, do not insult the intelligence of the American people."
But Congress seems to be controlled by these people: Popular Christian Zionist leader John Hagee is no friend to Israel. "The head of the largest Christian Zionist organization is no friend to Israel — he wants an apocalypse there. ... For 20 years, he has built CUFI into the largest (at 8 million members), most-funded and most powerful 'pro-Israel' organization in America — dwarfing AIPAC, J Street, and others." Some of the same religious right with a history of support for the cannabis and drug wars.
Republican senator Lindsey Graham Equates Dropping Nukes on Japan With What Israel Should Do in Gaza: ‘Do Whatever You Have to Do to Survive’. "Reagan ordered a stoppage in 1982 after Israel attacked Palestinian fighters in Lebanon, a move he deployed more than once throughout the war. Ten years later, President George H.W. Bush delayed a $10 billion loan to Israel after the country pressed forward with plans to build settlements in the West Bank."
Mandatory retirement.
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Institute a mandatory retirement age for US Congress members, the President, and Supreme Court judges. Put those judges on fixed terms. [57]. Mandatory retirement exists for many US judges. Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden are too old to be President. And Trump is just too dumb: Video: Robert De Niro on Trump Being “So F**king Stupid”. See Robert Reich: Seriously, again, how dumb is Trump? And: Trump’s Brain Is Not Okay. An expert’s view of Trump’s mental slide into dementia.
Global warming
World Population Clock: 8 Billion People (LIVE). We need more trees and less people. More oxygen, less carbon dioxide. To slow down global warming. "Assuming no net migration and unchanged mortality, a total fertility rate of 2.1 children per woman ensures a broadly stable population." - Fertility rates. OECD Data. See country graphs. Also, inflation comes from an increasing population sharing one planet's resources.
Many US Republican leaders oppose birth control and abortion rights (even early abortion). Another reason besides their backward cannabis laws to vote them out. Birth control and abortion (especially early abortion) is legal (even free) in many countries. That needs to expand further.
We need the lowest curve below, by lowering the birth rate.
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The US and Europe can't import all the overpopulation of the world. Europe, especially, is already too densely populated. US Democrats and progressives in Europe need to limit immigration, or they will lose power, and cannabis policies will stagnate under right wing rule. Taxes on the rich will be cut yet more, which by definition means middle class taxes will go up, or stay up, to pay for it. Wikipedia: List of countries and dependencies by population density.
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Roswell. Warming
Roswell. Carbon-free energy
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Share link: Roswell UFO. Much UFO technology has been back engineered, and its carbon-free energy could end global warming. See Stephen Greer (SG) playlist. SG video channels: [58][59][60][61][62]. See his documentary: The Lost Century: And How to Reclaim It. [63][64]. SG witness testimonies: [65][66][67][68]. National Press Club: 2023. 2001. SG documentaries for free: [69][70][71][72] [73][74][75][76] [77][78][79]. JustWatch: [80][81][82] [83][84][85]. And: [86][87][88][89] [90][91][92][93] [94][95][96][97] [98][99][100]. SG's Disclosure Project Intelligence Archive. [101]. See also the David Grusch, David Fravor, and Ryan Graves disclosures at July 26, 2023 House hearing about US possession of aliens, alien bodies, alien craft, and back engineering: [102][103][104][105] [106][107][108][109][110] [111][112][113][114][115]. See History channel: [116][117][118][119]. National Geographic: [120][121][122][123]. See: Bob Lazar and George Knapp. See Rendlesham Forest UFO witness interviews. [124].
See the July 8, 1947 Roswell Daily Record below. Image info. Click image to enlarge. Full-size is readable. See full text of saucer article. [125]. U.S. Army officer Walter Haut issued the initial "flying disk" press release. His 2002 notarized affidavit said there were 2 crash sites, and that he had seen a craft, alien bodies, and handled wreckage material. (see page 14 of pdf). It was released in a 2007 book after his death in 2005. 37 witnesses to the Roswell shape memory foil. [126][127][128] [129][130][131]. Page 54 of Jesse Marcel, Jr. book. Crumple it and it uncrumples without creases. Did not exist in 1947.
Affidavit is on pages 239-242 of the 2022 edition: Witness to Roswell, 75th Anniversary Edition: Unmasking the Government's Biggest Cover-up (more eyewitnesses). 36 pages previewed in Google Books. Click "preview" button and scroll down to pages 239-240. Search within the book. There is an inexpensive Kindle ebook. Moonwalker Dr. Edgar Mitchell wrote the foreword. The 20 paragraph affidavit is online here: [132] (page 14). [133][134][135][136].
Haut's daughter, Julie Shuster, in 2002, 3 years before his death, "verbally discussed each and every sentence" of the affidavit with him. She said it was not a deathbed confession. See Sept 2007 MUFON UFO Journal. Issue 473. Page 15. And this article from Special Broadcasting Service. Archived. See Julie Shuster on IMDb.
Google search: Walter Haut 2002 Roswell affidavit. Articles about Haut:
30 June 2007: Roswell officer's amazing deathbed admission raises possibility that aliens DID visit. By Nick Pope. Same article also published here and here. Archived here and here.
5 June 2022: Roswell officer's deathbed confession about theory of alien cover up. By Declan Carey. Archived here.
14 May 2021: Ex-Army officer ADMITS he saw ‘alien the size of a 10-year-old child’ after famous Roswell UFO crash in incredible video. By Emma Parry. Archived here. This article has a short excerpt of the video.
May 2021: Roswell Officer Speaks From the Grave: Video Released, Confesses that Alien was "the size of a 10 year old". By Anthony Bragalia. Archived here. From article (emphasis added): "This video clip is part of a memoir video / oral history over two hours in length that covers many personal and professional aspects of Haut's life. The video was taken at the Roswell Museum in 2000 with friends Dennis Balthaser and Wendy Connors."
Galactic Pot March.
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Return to top. See 2024 GMM-420 on Fandom and on Shoutwiki. Note: See the sections at the bottom of many pages: Beyond drug war, debt, and wealth concentration. To single-payer healthcare and progressive taxation.
Leave event links and compilations at any wiki talk page (no need to log in). Or leave them in posts or comments at Facebook: Global Cannabis March and 420. And: Global Cannabis March in Europe. Or the private GMM group. Especially events outside the US. For any year. See years.